Second Trimester Pregnancy Update


We are already through the second trimester of my pregnancy! I know everyone says this but it’s true — the time is really flying by. I’m experiencing this interesting mix of things; so much is changing or about to change, and also so much of my life has really stayed the same. My schedule has been pretty consistent these first six months, and I’ve been grateful for that stability as my body does this crazy new thing! Here’s what’s been up with me over this last trimester.

My sleep was pretty terrible in the first trimester, but since introducing a pregnancy pillow I’ve been sleeping so much better. Also, I’m having very vivid and weird dreams! Any other mamas relate?

Twice a month I’ve been checking in with my prenatal nutritionist from TNT, just to make sure I’m on track with what I’m eating. I learn something new every time we meet about all the different kinds of nutrients, vitamins, and macros and how they affect both me and the baby. It’s given me such a new appreciation and focus on my nutrition.


I actually have no weird cravings for food. We’ll see how long that keeps up. I am staying consistent with my nutrition plan and have a cheat meal usually 2x a week. I’m also keeping up with workouts 3-4x a week, but cardio is getting much harder. I am blessed to be growing a child inside of me but I can’t wait to get back in the gym pushing my limits and getting stronger!

The moment I’ve been waiting on since I got pregnant finally happened: I had to go buy some maternity pants, leggings, shorts, and dresses because #summer. My current closet has done as much for me as it can, and I’m pretty grateful I got so many months out of my normal clothes. I’ve found the best maternity clothes at Target, Amazon, and Old Navy.

On the whole, I’ve been feeling great and focusing a lot of my time on work to save up for maternity leave. I’ve been traveling more to races for the media and the travel doesn’t bother me at all. It’s been nice to do some “normal” work stuff, actually. 

We are finally getting our house painted, as soon as it’s done we will start getting things for the baby! I don’t think we will be doing much for a nursery, I am planning on having the baby sleep in our bedroom in a bassinet or pack-n-play for the first few months, then we will look into getting a crib. We are hoping to move out of this house in the Spring of next year (hopefully building our next home!) so I’m not too worried about decorations and buying unnecessary things that won’t be used within the first 6 months.

I’m feeling the baby move every night now (I’m smiling just thinking about it!). My favorite thing is seeing Adam’s reaction to the kicks while in bed. 

Adam went to his first ultrasound with me to get to see his baby, we found out that it’s very healthy and is growing fast — currently in the 90th percentile! Those ultrasound moments are so exciting for us.

In this third and final trimester, it’s all getting so real. We’re starting to build a registry, looking for recommendations that are eco-friendly and gender neutral. That’s it for this update! I’ll be back in a few months to share about my final trimester before our little one comes earth-side.

What do you want to know about my pregnancy as a racer? Send me a DM on Instagram and I’d love to talk more about my experience there as well as my blog!

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