LinkedIn is making a quiet comeback as a marketable social media. If you’ve left your LinkedIn collecting dust from your last internship, it’s time to get back in there and spruce it up.
One of the best ways to get maximum growth and connections for your motorsports career on LinkedIn is to use hashtags. Yes, LinkedIn has hashtags! While similar to Instagram and Twitter, LinkedIn’s focus on professional connections and development will make your time on the platform—and utilizing the right hashtags—well worth your while when it comes time to reach out for sponsorships.
Here are some tips for LinkedIn hashtags for beginner motorsports professionals.
Use hashtags that are active.
Hashtags might have a lot of posts under them, but if they haven’t been tagged in posts in a few weeks or months, they’re not going to serve you all that well. Make sure that the hashtags you choose are actively used as part of the LinkedIn community by seeing how many posts have them and how frequently they are being used. When looking them up, make sure to change “sort by” from top to recent. You’ll also be able to see what other hashtags people are using with the same ones you want to use.
Are the hashtags relevant to your audience and niche?
Remember niching and branding? It matters on LinkedIn, too! Hashtags might be popular that have nothing to do with your career and your audience, so do the legwork and the market research to figure out which hashtags your audience is spending time following and contributing to.
How to follow hashtags:
Engaging in the same hashtags you’re posting in and hoping to cultivate community from is 10/10 important. Following hashtags will bring up related posts in that hashtag onto your home feed, along with the people you’re following. You can search for hashtags just like you’d search for people, and once you’re on that hashtag page, simply click the “follow” button. Here’s a more in-depth guide if you need more support!
Don’t over-do it.
Unlike Instagram where you can use up to 30 hashtags, LinkedIn allows you to use unlimited hashtags. But hold up—they recommend that users only use three hashtags per post. It’ll keep your posts targeted and focused, which is great for both you and your followers.
Are you ready to jump back on LinkedIn and start posting? What questions do you have about LinkedIn marketing for motorsports racers?
Have you ever wondered how you can use LinkedIn to nurture your network? Well I’m hosting a webinar with Shift Up Now on Feb 9th to teach you:
👉 What makes LinkedIn different than Instagram and Facebook
👉 Difference between post types
👉 5 content category ideas
👉 How often you should post
👉 Key parts of your profile
👉 How to grow your connections
… and more!
This webinar is for members only – it is NOT open to the public. If you’re not a current Shift Up Now member, it’s easy to join for a small annual fee (and you’ll get access to other webinars Witt industry leaders).
Join @pippamann and I on Wednesday, February 9th – secure your spot at Shift Up Now >>> HERE