Social Media

4 Ways to Market Your Race Team Online (That Aren’t Instagram)

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Remember that day back in October 2021 when Instagram went down for a full day, 9-5? There was simultaneous relief from feeling the pressure to be online all the time, but also a little panic—without Instagram, how will I market myself?

Instagram has become such a powerhouse marketing tool that it’s difficult to imagine life without it. But developing a wider online marketing strategy will not only help out when one platform goes down, it also adds to your omnipresent perception

Today, we’re talking about 4 ways to use the Internet to market and promote your racing that aren’t on Instagram.

Have an email list

Your follower list belongs to Meta and Mark Zuckerberg. Your email list? That belongs to you. Start building your solid online foundation of followers and fans on land that you own, not on borrowed ground.

Your email list should consist of fans as well as potential sponsors and your network. Keep them regularly engaged with information, stats, latest updates, and personality moments—just like you would on Instagram. 

New to email list building? Here’s how to start:

Using a platform like MailChimp or Flodesk, make a simple opt-in for folks to give you their email in exchange for something fun, like a set of your latest racing videos, your marketing deck, or a list of tips for fellow racers.

Then, send them a welcome email (you can automate it!) and aim to nurture your email list at least once a month.

Have a website (even if it’s just a page)

This is a hot debate, “to website or not to website”, but when Instagram goes down, it’s a great reminder that you should have a permanent location for all of the details about you and your racing available on a platform that belongs to you and not to a corporation. A simple one-page website where you can share your biography and accomplishments, your upcoming racing events, and a few links to watch your racing or learn about your past sponsorship is plenty.

A website, even a simple one, will demonstrate to potential sponsors that you take yourself and your racing career—on and off the track—seriously.

If you’re new to websites, Squarespace is a super-simple platform that even the least tech-savvy racers can use!

Promote yourself online across other accounts

Weaving yourself into the fabric of your racing community is helpful in our super-connected world. Create opportunities to show up across multiple platforms and channels in blogs, podcasts, vlogs, interviews, and references from other sponsors or racers. This way, if one of your assets or platforms shuts down, like Instagram, you’ve got a whole web of connections and references to keep you + your team out in the public sphere.

Utilize other social media platforms

Instagram isn’t even close to the only social media platform out there! Consider expanding your social media reach to other platforms where your fans or ideal sponsors are hanging out. Check out TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube as places to create content and connect with fans, other racers, and potential sponsors!

Moving beyond just Instagram as your singular or primary marketing platform will take some effort, but not keeping all your eggs in the one Meta basket will be best in the long run.



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